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 twBRNewSearch( aNewSrch, lReset )
     Install new search defaults in twBRBrowse().


     aNewSrch - 'A' Five element array which defines the search key
                    handling. aSrch must have the structure:

                    aNewSrch := { Column number on which to search, ;
                                  Optional colour for the highlight
                                      bar search string display,;
                                  Optional code block for search the
                                  Optional mask for the search
                                  Optional prefix to apply to the
                                      search string for scoped browses. }

                    The element descriptions are:

                    1 - The column number is simply the member of
                        aColumns which contains your index key.

                    2 - The current search string will be
                        highlighted within the highlight bar for the
                        browse. You may specify a colour or use the

                    3 - The code block uses the current search
                        string as a parameter. Therefore it must be
                        of a form to properly locate keys in the
                        index. The default is to apply UPPER() to
                        the search string. You may make adjustments
                        for the method you used to create  your

                    4 - A mask for the display to compensate for
                        differences in the index key and the
                        displayed values.

                    5 - If you are operating a scoped browse, all
                        the displayed records have keys starting
                        with the same character sequence. You may
                        pass this sequence to the search mechanism
                        so the highlighting will match the display.

                    If aSrch is not passed, the default search
                    mechanism is:

                        1 - Search on column 1 of the browse.
                        2 - Clipper unselected colour.
                        3 - {|c| UPPER( c ) }
                        4 - SPACE( LEN( &(INDEXKEY())))
                        5 - Empty string.

     lReset   - 'L' Logical to reset the current seek string buffer to
                    the default. If the search prefix is empty, this is
                    set to a NULL string.


     A copy of the old search array in case you want to restore it.


     USE Phone INDEX Phone1, Phone2, Phone3 ALIAS Names NEW
     GO TOP
     // aSrch array structure
     //  { Column Number in which to start key display,
     //    Hilite Bar Exception Color
     //    Code block for search access to dbf.
     //    Prefix for common keys in scoped browses,
     //    Mask for display bar. }
     aNewSrch := { 3, "n/*gr",,, "X   XX   X    X    X" } // for phone
     aOldSrch := twBRNewSearch( aNewSrch, .T. )

See Also: twBRBrowse()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson